
Learn About Wave's Core Program

Join us to bare witness to Justin Davis vs Ciccio’s homepage! Catering provided by Ciccio, brutally honest feedback provided by Justin.

We’ll get up close and personal with CRG homepages, going through them with a fine toothed comb, picking out the good and roasting the bad.

This session will be a fast-paced critique of the Ciccio Restaurant Group‘s new never before seen websites. We’ll be focusing on user experience and design. By the end of it, you’ll have a battery of ideas for your own site, and an entirely new perspective on how to design better experiences online.

Join us for another Homepage Throwdown hosted by Justin Davis, legenadry local UX maven whose portfolio includes Google, CocaCola, and Nasdaq.

* * * Food will be catered by Ciccio’s Restaurant Group * * *

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