
Over the past several weeks, we have seen how fast things change on both a global and individual human level. While the full impact of the COVID-19 crisis is still unknown, the stories of human resilience, love, and generosity continue to flood in.  On #GivingTuesdayNow, Tampa Bay Wave asks you to continue to keep good […]

PikMyKid proposes using its technology to speed drive-thru Covid-19 testing

PikMyKid has proposed using the technology behind its school safety systems to make drive-thru testing for Covid-19 faster, safer and more efficient. Drive-thru testing (Credit: U.S. Army National Guard photo by Sgt. Amouris Coss) Testing is key to flattening the Covid-19 curve and stemming the spread of coronavirus, according to a project summary from PikMyKid. […]

Innovation at Work COVID-19

Truly, the impact that the coronavirus pandemic is making on the lives of families around the world, not to mention here at home, is unprecedented.  Beyond the fact that people around the globe are ill or dying, we are all dealing with some kind of “new normal”, for at least the foreseeable future, thanks to […]