In early April 2020, Tampa Bay Wave was so moved by the economic stress on our founders that we were among the first in the Tampa Bay community to establish an emergency loan fund, called the Rising Tide Relief Fund.

We were moved to do so watching the stress our startup founders were experiencing.  Like them, we pivoted our efforts to host a campaign surge and participated in the global #GivingTuesday campaign.

Donors answered our call – contributions came from our Board, Wave staff, Friends, Community Leaders, and Individual Supporters who all wanted to help.  We offered premiums to encourage larger donations and to show our appreciation.  We tapped our social media channels and connected with various news outlets, featuring some of our Founders to personalize how much difference even a small amount of financial assistance can make.

While small, the Wave was mighty and among the first in our community to ignite a support fund; we hope our efforts inspired others to initiate their own fundraising.  The effort offered the Wave team the opportunity to learn and expand our own capabilities and we are committed to growing the emergency fund to be even more impactful in the future.

We are happy to report that we just made our first two microloans to founders we know want more than anything to be able to repay the emergency fund when economics permit so that others can benefit if needed.

We thank all those who contributed and are leaving the donation link open in hopes that as prosperity returns, we’ll see more contributions arrive to grow the fund.

Donations are as easy as texting the keyword WAVE to #26989 or by making an online donation on our Rising Tide Relief Fund page.  While they last, a donations of $100 or greater will still receive an awesome Tampa Bay Wave face mask as a token of appreciation!

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